About Us
We started Work Integration 2017 with the goal of outsourcing job seekers as quickly and efficiently as possible to a properly matched job or studies.
We come from the business world and have worked with leadership and coaching for a very long time and we are very good at it what we do! We work for 3 winners - us, the participant and the employer and in this way we get sustainable matches.
- Trust- By being responsive and showing empathy
- Integrity- Highlight the dignity of the individual
- Respect- For the individual and society
- Empowerment- Be invested in people and highlight the individual
Since the start, we have deployed around 100 participants from the Swedish Public Employment Service, municipalities and private clients to long-term employment. We live by the motto, the one who stops getting better - stops being good.
Read moreOur Services
We are constantly working to increase awareness and insight into integration and the demands of the labor market. Our goal is for as many jobseekers as possible to get a correctly matched job or start studies.
Swedish Employment Agency
Rusta och matcha (KRoM)
Stöd & Matchning (SToM)                          
Stödinsatser via kommuner                                                                             
Has your competence development stagnated? We focus on opportunities and solutions so you end up in the right place path!
Free Consultation
If you want to know how we can help you, contact us at, info@workintegration.se for a free consultation!
Our efforts
To meet each individual where he is.
Good knowledge of each person's skills and work experience.
Our truth
Create an alliance and collaboration between participants and staff.
Our network
Collaboration with external actors: good contacts with the business community, authorities and support for other initiatives for participants to find their way in or back to working life and self-sufficiency.
Our Team

Language support

Contact Us
Our places:
Hälsingegatan 49, 113 31 Stockholm
Nymärsta Gränd 6, 195 30 Märsta
Turevägen 2, 191 47 Sollentuna
Företagsallén 14a, 184 40 Åkersberga
+46 070 600 53 35